
Watch: How to write a recount

Learn how to write a recount.

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Watch: Techniques for writing a recount

Dive deeper into the techniques used to write a fantastic recount by watching this video.

How to write a recount with author Michael Rosen.

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How to write a recount

An illustration of a young boy pointing.
  • Write your recount in the first person because it happened to you!

I zipped up my spacesuit before leaving the rocket.

  • Use the past tense because it has already happened.

I had trained for years!

  • Clear structure. Use paragraphs to separate the beginning, middle and end.Your middle section should include at least three events or experiences.

  • Recounts are written in the order in which they happened (chronological order).Use time conjunctions like firstly, next, then and finally to show this.

  • Using description to add detail will enable your reader to build an image in their head.

The slender body of the rocket stood high above the crowd.

  • It is important to share your feelings about what happened throughout your recount.

My hands trembled with uncontrollable nerves as the engines ignited!

  • Use emotive language so the reader understands your point of view.

I felt like I had run a marathon when I climbed back in the rocket.

An illustration of a young boy pointing.
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Activity 1

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Activity 2

Check your understanding using this diamond nine activity.

Key features of a recount in a diamond nine diagram.
Image caption,
Key features of a recount in a diamond nine diagram.
An illustration of a young girl sat at a desk.

Can you order the following features of a recount from the most effective (at the top) to the least effective (at the bottom)?

  • first person
  • past tense
  • paragraphs
  • clear structure
  • chronological order
  • detail
  • feelings
  • emotive language
  • time conjunctions

Top tip!

Sketch out the diagram to save yourself time.

An illustration of a young girl sat at a desk.
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Activity 4

  1. Watch this video about Neil Armstrong.

The story of Neil Armstrong landing on the Moon.

  1. After you have watched the video, write down some key facts you have learned about Neil.

  2. Now, imagine it is 1969 and you are Neil. You have just got back into your rocket (the Eagle) after the first ever walk on the Moon! Before you forget, you want to write down memories from your experience.

Write a recount of your astonishing journey.

Remember to include some of the key features of a recount.

An illustration of a young boy smiling with a speech bubble saying top tip.

Top Tip!

In your concluding paragraph, try to:

  • pose a question to the reader
  • look forward to the future

As I look ahead to the next five years, I’d love to make the first ever trip to Mars! Would you like to become an astronaut too?

An illustration of a young boy smiling with a speech bubble saying top tip.
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