
Key points

A equals l w, where A equals area, l equals length, w equals width. V equals l w h, where V equals volume, l equals length, w equals width and h equals height. S equals D divided by T, where S equals speed, D equals distance and T equals time.
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A formula is a rule that links variables and can be written using mathematical symbols.
  • Understanding algebraic notation and the order of operations (BIDMAS) will help in using formulae successfully.
  • A is a rule that links and may be expressed in words or written ‘algebraically’, using mathematical symbols.
  • Formulae connect variables in a mathematical relationship. For example, the area, length, and width of a rectangle are connected by a formula. When two of the variables are given, the third can be worked out using the formula.
  • Numbers are into a formula to find the value of the subject.
  • A formula may be to change the subject. By manipulating the algebra, a different variable becomes the of the formula.
A equals l w, where A equals area, l equals length, w equals width. V equals l w h, where V equals volume, l equals length, w equals width and h equals height. S equals D divided by T, where S equals speed, D equals distance and T equals time.
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A formula is a rule that links variables and can be written using mathematical symbols.
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Using formulae given in words

A formula given in words gives the instructions needed to work something out.

To use a written formula:

  1. Substitute a given value for the variable.
  2. Follow each step in the formula instructions to work out the subject of the formula.


Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 9, Example one: An image of a regular pentagon. Perimeter of a regular polygon is the length of one side multiplied by the number of sides., The perimeter of a regular polygon is the length of one side multiplied by the number of sides. Use this formula to find the perimeter of a regular pentagon with a side length of 12 cm.


The formula for converting a distance in miles to a distance in kilometres is to divide by five and then multiply by eight.

Use the formula to convert 65 miles to kilometres.

Image shows a flow diagram. Miles, arrow right, divide by five, arrow right,  multiply by eight, arrow right, kilometres. Written below: sixty five miles equals question mark kilometres.

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Constructing formulae from words

A formula written in words can be written using mathematical symbols.

  • A letter or symbol is assigned to each variable.
  • The formula always starts with the subject variable followed by the equals symbol.
  • The expression after the equals symbol gives each instruction in the written formula using correct algebraic notation. The variables must be defined.

Confidence in writing mathematical formulae from a worded formula relies on a good understanding of algebraic notation.


Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 7, Example one: Speed is the distance travelled divided by the time taken, Construct an algebraic formula for speed.


To find the perimeter of a rectangle, add a length and a width and then double the result.

Write this formula in algebra.

A rectangle with length labelled length and width labelled width. The length is written in orange and the width is written in blue.

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Substitution using formulae

A is a rule written using mathematical symbols. Values are into a formula to work something out.

To use an algebraic formula:

  1. Substitute a given value or values for the or variables.
  2. Follow each step in the formula instructions to work out the subject.

When the formula involves multiple steps, it is essential that the correct order of operations is followed to ensure that the calculation is accurate.


Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 10, A equals l w, where A equals area, l equals length, w equals width. V equals l w h, where V equals volume, l equals length, w equals width and h equals height. S equals D divided by T, where S equals speed, D equals distance and T equals time., Formulae are rules written using mathematical symbols.


Use the formula to work out the perimeter of the rectangle.

An image of a rectangle with length twenty centimetres and width four centimetres. P equals two l plus two w. P equals perimeter, l equals length and w equals width. The l is written in orange and the w is written in blue.

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Practise writing and constructing formulae


Practise writing and constructing formulae with this quiz. You may need a pen and paper to help you with your answers.

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Real-life maths

A semi-painted wall and emulsion paint with brushes in a jar.
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Formulae can be used to decide how much paint is needed to decorate a room.

Formulae are used often in real life, for example when calculating the amount of paint to decorate a room, the size of a radiator to heat a room or the amount of ribbon needed to add to a wrapped gift.

A decorator buys the amount of paint needed to complete a job. A litre of emulsion paint will cover approximately 12 square metres (12 m² ).

To work out how many litres of paint are required, the formula is:

𝑳 = \(\frac{(𝒉 × 𝒘 × 𝒄 )}{12}\)

𝑳 = number of litres of paint needed

𝒉 = height of walls

𝒘 = total width of all walls

𝒄 = number of coats of paint required

For a room that will need three coats of paint with a wall height of 2۰8 metres and a total wall width of 14 metres, the calculation will be \(\frac{(2۰8×14×3)}{12}\)

The paint required is 9۰8 litres.

A semi-painted wall and emulsion paint with brushes in a jar.
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Formulae can be used to decide how much paint is needed to decorate a room.
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Game - Divided Islands

Play the Divided Islands game! game

Using your maths skills, help to build bridges and bring light back to the islands in this free game from tv Bitesize.

Play the Divided Islands game!
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