
Compound measures

Compound measures involve two or more different units.

Examples of compound measures and their units include pressure (\(N/ m^2\)), density (\(g/ cm^3\)), speed (km/h) and heart rate (beats per minute).

Units for measuring such as metres, kilograms and litres are covered in the guides on metric units and are examples of single units.

The compound units covered in Module 1 - Metric Units are speed, heart rate and fuel economy, while density is covered in Units of measure.

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Pressure is the force of an object per unit of area.

Calculating pressure given force and area

Pressure is calculated by dividing the force (N) of an object by the area (m²) it is acting on.

Pressure is measured in \(N/ m^2\) or in Pascals (Pa).

\(\LARGE \text{Pressure} = \frac{\LARGE {force}}{ \LARGE {area}}\)

\(\LARGE \text{P} = \frac{\LARGE {F}}{ \LARGE {A}}\)

FPA Triangle
Figure caption,
This triangle can be helpful for remembering the formula.
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Find the pressure caused by a force of 168 N acting on an area of 40 m².

  • Force = 168 N
  • Area = 40 m²

using \( \text{Pressure} = \frac{force}{area}\)

\( \text{Pressure} = \frac{168}{40} = 4.2 N/m^2\)

FPA Triangle
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The surface area of a pair of skis is 0.25 m².
How much pressure does a skier with a weight of 700 N exert on the snow?

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Calculating force given pressure and area

If the pressure and area are known the formula can be rearranged to calculate force by multiplying both sides by area.

\(\Large {\mathbf{\color{orange}{Area} \color{black}\times Pressure = \frac{force}{\cancel{Area}} \times \color{orange}\cancel{Area}}}\)

\(\textbf{Force} = \textbf{Area} \times \textbf{Pressure}\)
\(\textbf{F} = \textbf{A} \times \textbf{P}\)

Figure caption,
The triangle can help when rearranging the formula.
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A box of books exerts a pressure of 184 \(\text N/m^2\) on the floor. The dimensions of the bottom of the box are 0.5 m by 0.8 m.

Calculate the force due to the weight of the box of books.

Area = 0.5 x 0.8 = 0.4 m²

Pressure = 184 \(\textbf N/m^2\)

Force = Area Ă— Pressure
Force = 0.4 x 184 = 73.6
Force = 73.6 N

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Calculating area given pressure and force

If the pressure and force are known the formula can be rearranged to calculate the area

\(\LARGE \text{Area} = \frac{\LARGE {Force}}{\LARGE{Pressure}}\)

\(\textbf{A} = \frac{\textbf{F}}{\textbf{P}}\)

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A package exerts a force of 4.8 N on a table.
The pressure on the table is 60 N/m².

Calculate the area of the package that is in contact with the table.
Force = 4.8 N
Pressure = 60 N/m²

\(\text{Area} = \frac {\text{Force}}{\text{Pressure}}\)
\(\text{A} = \frac{4.8}{60} = 0.08 m^2\)


A girl with a weight of 520 N is standing with both feet on the floor. Her shoes exert a pressure of 3.25 N/cm² on the floor.

What is the surface area of the sole of one of her shoes?

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