

  • Travel blog

    Reading a variety of material written in Gaelic will help develop your vocabulary and understanding of the language. This travel blog describes a visit to Rome.

  • Part-time work

    Reading a variety of Gaelic texts will help you to understand the language. This article and the related quiz include phrases connected to working hours, workplace duties and skills.

  • Career plans

    Reading Gaelic in a variety of forms will help develop your understanding of the language. Use this sample email and related quiz to expand your vocabulary around career choices and aspirations.

  • Family

    Reading a variety of straightforward Gaelic texts will help you to understand the language. Do you know the Gaelic words for various family members? Use the quiz to test yourself.

  • Grandparents

    Reading a variety of Gaelic texts will help you to understand Gaelic. Can you describe your family in Gaelic? Use the quiz to test yourself.


  • City break

    Structuring your ideas helps to create well-formed pieces of writing. Before writing an extended piece, it is useful to note the main points you'd like to cover. A writing plan helps to achieve this.

  • School

    This writing plan or mind-map can be used as a template to help structure an extended piece of writing on the subject of school. As you write, check that you are addressing each heading.

  • Friends

    This writing plan or mind-map can be used as a template to help structure an extended piece of writing on the subject of friends. As you write, check that you are addressing each heading.

  • Job application

    This writing plan or mind-map can be used as a template to help structure a job application covering letter. As you write, check that you are addressing each heading.


  • Learning a language

    Hearing simple spoken Gaelic helps to develop listening skills. This audio clip discusses learning a language.

  • New job

    Hearing spoken Gaelic helps to develop listening skills. This audio reflects a job interview and includes vocabulary about skills and interests.

  • Pastimes

    Listening to Gaelic being spoken will help you to understand and use the language. This audio diary includes phrases relating to various hobbies.

  • Radio interview

    Listening to spoken Gaelic will help you to understand and use the language. This interview on the subject of travel includes vocabulary relating to country names, weather and temperature.


  • Holidays

    Holidays are a common topic of conversation. Listening to everyday spoken Gaelic can help you to communicate in the language yourself. This chat describes transport, food, scenery and accommodation.

  • School

    Listening to Gaelic being spoken can help you to use the language yourself. This conversation about school illustrates how to discuss likes, dislikes and aspirations.

  • Work

    Work is a common topic of conversation. Listening to Gaelic can help you to communicate in the language yourself. This conversation and quiz covers working hours, travelling to work and pay.

  • Family

    Listening to everyday Gaelic can help you to communicate in the language. This conversation and quiz cover counting the number of people in your family, comparing ages and saying where they live.

  • Friends

    Listening to spoken Gaelic can help you to use the language yourself. This conversation and quiz include vocabulary in describing appearance, personal qualities and activities shared with friends.


  • Comparatives and superlatives

    Knowing a bit about Gaelic grammar helps you to understand and communicate in the language. Use the quiz to put your knowledge of comparatives and superlatives to the test.

  • Personal and possessive pronouns

    Knowing a bit about Gaelic grammar helps you to understand and communicate in the language. Use the quiz to put your knowledge of personal and possessive pronouns to the test.

  • Questions and conjunctions

    Knowing a bit about Gaelic grammar helps you to understand and communicate in the language. Use the quiz to put your knowledge of questions and conjunctions to the test.

  • The definite article

    Knowing a bit about Gaelic grammar helps you to understand and communicate in the language. Use the quiz to put your knowledge of the definite article to the test.

  • Using gam and gad

    Knowing a bit about Gaelic grammar helps you to understand and communicate in the language. Use the quiz to test your knowledge of using phrases which, in English, translate as the word ‘that'.

  • Using gu, gun and gum

    Knowing a bit about Gaelic grammar helps you to understand and communicate in the language. Use the quiz to test your knowledge of using phrases which, in English, translate as the word ‘that'.

  • Using is and tha

    Knowing a bit about Gaelic grammar helps you to understand and communicate in the language. Use the quiz to test your knowledge of how to say ‘he is’ and ‘she is’ in Gaelic.

  • Verbs

    Knowing a bit about Gaelic grammar helps you to understand and communicate in the language. Use the quiz to put your knowledge of irregular verbs to the test.