
Freedom of Information

One law which has benefited journalists is the Freedom of Information Act.

The act, which came in to force in 2000, allows journalists (or any member of the public) to apply to government or public bodies to see public documents, such as crime statistics or details on government expenditure.

It is a useful source for journalists. Using the act, journalists can get information from people in power, sometimes information they would rather have been kept a secret.

Photograph of a woman reading the Daily Telegraph

The Daily Telegraph broke the MPs' expenses scandal in May 2009

The MPs’ expenses scandal of 2009 – which revealed that some MPs were abusing the expenses system – was the result of a Freedom of Information request.

Another request revealed that 74 police officers serving with the Metropolitan Police have criminal records. A downside of the act is that it can be open to abuse – some requests have demanded frivolous, unimportant information, and wasted time and money.

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