
John Reed, Georgiana Reed, Eliza Reed and Bessie in Jane Eyre

John, Georgiana and Eliza Reed

Georgiana and Eliza Reed as adults

During Jane's childhood, all three children take delight in bullying Jane and making her life miserable. John detests Jane and repeats his mother's taunts. John believes he is really important as he is the heir to Reed fortune; this makes him selfish, arrogant and uncontrollable. These traits are his downfall, as later on in the novel, he becomes an alcoholic who spends all of the family's wealth. Georgiana is a spoilt girl who prides herself on her beauty, nothing more. Eliza and Georgiana argue when Mrs Reed is on her death-bed, as Eliza cannot bear Georgiana's selfish ways.

Personality traits:

  • selfish
  • self-centred
  • arrogant
  • uncontrollable
  • cruel



Bessie is Jane's nursemaid and it is her job to look after Jane. Bessie is an inconsistent character, as her feelings for Jane change throughout the course of the novel. At times, Bessie can be kind and loving towards Jane, offering her treats as a child, whereas, on other occasions, she can scold and punish Jane for no apparent reason. At the end of the novel, the reader learns Bessie cares for Jane, as she is excited to see Jane as an adult and is pleased she is happy.

Personality traits:

  • changeable
  • kind
  • loving
  • forceful