
Creation stories

Christianity and Judaism share a common creation story which is recorded in the book of .

In the Genesis story it is God who created the world.

Genesis 1 records the order of events.

  • On the first day God created the “heavens and the earth” along with light which he separates from darkness. As a result, there was the first evening and morning.
  • On the second day God separated the water on earth from the water in the air – the creation of the atmosphere and the sky.
  • On day three God separated the water on the earth from dry land and created the plants, trees and vegetation.
  • On day four God created the sun, moon and stars.
  • On the fifth day God created sea creatures (fish etc.) and the birds of the air.
  • On the sixth day God created human beings.
  • On the seventh day God rested.
Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 7, On the first day God created the heavens and the earth., The seven days of creation

Genesis 2 goes on to give more detail about the creation of humans. These are seen as two individuals, Adam and Eve.

Adam was made from "the dust of the ground" when God breathed life into him. Eve was created out of one of Adam’s ribs to provide company and help for Adam. They lived in a special place called the Garden of Eden. Both of them were given the task and responsibility to look after the place that God had created for them.

What do Christians believe?

Many Christians do not believe this story to be true in every detail. They believe that God was responsible for the beginning of the universe – that He set things in motion and oversaw the process. They can also learn lessons from the story about the importance of mankind and the responsibility mankind has over the rest of creation.

Most Christians would accept that the central message of both Genesis 1 and 2 - whether seen as one or two stories - is as follows:

  • God made everything.
  • God made everything good.
  • God made humanity as the highpoint of creation.