
Pip becomes a gentleman and Magwitch returns

Pip learns how to be a gentleman

Grown-up Pip living the London life. Bentley Drummle is sitting behind him
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Grown-up Pip, now a gentleman

Pip travels to London where Mr Jaggers, the lawyer, will be his guardian until he legally becomes an adult. He lives with Herbert Pocket, a young man related to Miss Havisham, who teaches him how to behave like a gentleman by developing good manners, wearing nice clothes and speaking more formally. Pip is a quick learner and is soon able to mix with people from the upper classes such as Bentley Drummle. During this time Pip repeatedly meets Estella, falling ever more deeply in love with her.

Pip turns into a snob and forgets his family

Unfortunately, in his efforts to win Estella and impress people, Pip begins to look down on others. He becomes ashamed of his origins, neglecting his family in the process. He is even uncomfortable when he returns to attend his dead sister's funeral. He starts to spend too much money and soon he and Herbert are in debt.

Magwitch returns

Magwitch returns after many years in Australia
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Magwitch returns after many years in Australia

Pip begins to feel that he is being followed. One dark stormy night he answers his door to a ragged figure who turns out to be Magwitch, the ex-convict Pip helped out as a child. Magwitch has spent many years in Australia, from England on pain of death should he return. However, he has made a great deal of money and has risked everything to come back and tell Pip that he is the mystery who gave Pip all of his money. Pip is horrified, feeling that the money is contaminated and, even worse, finds that his assumptions about Miss Havisham wanting him and Estella to be together have been wrong all along.