

Character Katniss from the Hunger Games book standing in front of a setting sun representing simile.
Figure caption,
Example of a simile from The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins

When talking about language there are a number of things to look for:

  • the literary devices an author uses, like and
  • the emotive language - language designed to make the reader feel a certain way
  • the connotations of particular word choices
  • the types of words used in the text, eg dialect words, long and complicated words or short and straightforward words
  • the types of sentences used, eg long or short, simple or complicated

Find out about the characters by looking closely at the words they use in . If they use long, difficult words, it might show how clever a character is (or thinks they are!).

Language also tells us a lot about the underlying ideas of a text. Words have two sets of meanings:

  • denotations - their dictionary meaning
  • connotations - the ideas they link to

For example, the word 'desk' literally denotes a table, but it has connotations of work and study.

Words can reveal a theme, such as death, or love, or create a particular mood in a scene. For instance, specific words and phrases might be used to create tension.