
Diamond and graphite

Carbon is an in 4 (IUPAC group 14) of the . Each carbon atom can form four . This means that carbon can form families of similar compounds that have:

  • chains
  • rings

are substances that contain carbon. There is a vast array of natural and organic compounds because of the ability of carbon to form four covalent bonds. Carbon can also form giant covalent structures, including and .


Structure and bonding

Diamond has a giant structure in which:

  • each carbon atom is joined to four other carbon atoms by covalent bonds
  • the carbon atoms have a regular arrangement
  • there are no free
The structure of diamond.
Figure caption,
Carbon atoms in diamond have a tetrahedral (pyramid-shaped) arrangement

Properties and uses

The rigid structure, held together by strong covalent bonds, makes diamond very hard. This physical makes diamond useful for cutting tools, such as diamond-tipped glass cutters and oil rig drills.


Structure and bonding

Graphite has a giant covalent structure in which:

  • each carbon atom is joined to three other carbon atoms by covalent bonds
  • the carbon atoms form layers with a hexagonal arrangement of atoms
  • the layers have weak forces between them
  • each carbon atom has one non-bonded outer electron, which becomes
The structure of graphite ball and stick diagram.
Figure caption,
Dotted lines model the weak forces between the layers in graphite

Properties and uses

The delocalised electrons are free to move through the structure, so graphite can electricity. This makes graphite useful for in batteries and for electrolysis.

The layers in graphite can slide over each other because the forces between them are weak. This makes graphite slippery, so it is useful as a .