
Catholic worship

are expected to attend each week as an offering of themselves to God. The Mass recalls the of Jesus with his before his death when he gave them bread and wine and told them to do this in remembrance of him (1 Corinthians 11:24).

Besides a memorial of past events it is also a , as many Catholics believe that during the Mass the sacrifice of Jesus is re-presented and re-enacted.

The Mass has two main parts:

  • the liturgy of the Word (focused on the )
  • the liturgy of the ()

In the first part, people express sorrow for , listen to Bible readings, hear a , recite and offer prayers for the Church and the world.

In the second part, bread and wine are offered to God, , and received by the congregation. An important prayer said during this part is the , also called the 'Our Father', which was taught by Jesus himself.

Features of worship

  • are sung throughout the service and the people respond to the prayers by following the .
  • A priest leads the service, but , including children, serve on the and read some of the readings and prayers.
  • Some Masses, particularly for young people, include , modern music and dance. More traditional services may use Latin and Greek for some of the prayers and have traditional hymns accompanied by an organ and choir.
  • Catholic churches have a on the altar and candles that are lit during Mass. One candle, the , is always lit as a sign that Jesus is present in the bread that remains in the between Masses.
  • Churches often have statues of and some saints. Catholics do not worship Mary or the saints, but ask them to pray to God on their behalf. This is known as .

Other services may include , saying the together, and with other Christians.

Catholics may also gather to say the together. This consists of the following prayers: an ‘Our Father’, ten ‘’ and a ‘’ repeated five times.