
Stem cells

Find out where stem cells come from and how they are used in humans and plants

Stem cells in humans

are cells that have not undergone . A cell which has not yet become is called undifferentiated.

An develops from a fertilised egg. Cells at the early stages in the development of the embryo are stem cells.

If cells are removed from the embryo – called - they will differentiate into any cell type.

Some stem cells remain in the bodies of adults – . Adult stem cells are found in limited numbers at certain locations in the body.

Adult stem cells can be found in several regions of the body, including the:

  • brain
  • eyes
  • blood
  • heart
  • liver
  • bone marrow
  • skin
  • muscle

Adult stem cells can differentiate into related cell types only, for example, cells can differentiate into blood cells and cells of the but not other cell types.

Medical treatments with stem cells can help conditions such as and . An embryo can be produced with the same genes as the patient in a process called . These stem cells will not be rejected by the person receiving them, so they can be used for medical treatments. There are some risks using stem cells for medical treatments such as the transfer of viral infections. Some people also have ethical concerns or religious objections to their use.

Stem cells in plants

Cell division in plants occurs in regions called .

Cells of the meristem can differentiate to produce all types of plant cells at any time during the life of the plant.

The main meristems are close to the tip of the shoot, and the tip of the root.

Cells of the meristem can differentiate to produce all types of plant cells at any time during the life of the plant.  The main meristems are close to the tip of the shoot, and the tip of the root.

In a growing shoot, new cells are being produced continuously near the tip. As the cells become older, further away from the tip, they become differentiated – they enlarge and develop .

Stem cells from the of plants can be used to make clones of plants quickly and cheaply. This can help endangered species close to extinction. This can also make crops that are resistant to diseases and pests, and produce large numbers of genetically identical plants.

Discover more about stem cells with Dr Alex Lathbridge

Discover how cells differ in plants and animals and why they're really useful for scientists.