
One to four mark questions

One to four mark questions will start with command words such as 'describe' or 'explain'. Some command words are easy to understand such as:

  • 'calculate' or 'determine' for maths questions
  • 'complete' to fill in a gap in a table or graph
  • 'define' to give the meaning of an important word
  • 'suggest' where you use your knowledge in an unfamiliar situation
  • 'compare' where you describe the similarities and/or differences between things

The command words 'describe' and 'explain' can be confusing. If you are asked to describe a graph, you will be expected to write about its overall shape, whether it is linear or curved, the slope of gradients etc. If you are asked to explain why a pattern or trend is seen in a graph, you will be expected to use your science knowledge, not just say what you see (which is a description), eg the graph shows a steep linear increase for the first three hours because...

'Explain how and why' questions often have the word 'because' in their answer. 'Describe' questions don't.

The number of marks per question part is given in this form '[2 marks]'. It is essential that you give two different answers if a question is worth two marks. Sometimes you can gain a second mark by giving the units in a calculation or stating specific data points, eg during the first two years the number of lions deceased by seven.

You will be expected to write in more depth for three and four mark questions. They might ask you about a process such as the carbon cycle or the method you would use in an experiment.

Edexcel questions courtesy of Pearson Education Ltd.

Sample question 1 - Foundation


Explain the effect of increasing air temperature on the rate of transpiration in a plant. [2 marks]

Sample question 2 - Higher

This figure shows a cross section through a pine leaf.

A diagram of a pine leaf with its waxy cuticle and transport vessels labelled


Explain why the waxy cuticle is important for this pine leaf. [2 marks]

Sample question 3 - Higher


The student wanted to find out where the hormone that caused the response to directional light was found.

The student had two growing plant shoots and placed them both in a window with light coming from one direction.

Describe a method the student could use to show that the hormone was found in the tip of the plant shoot. [2 marks]

Sample question 4 - Higher


A class was asked to measure the volume of oxygen produced by a water plant called Cabomba in one minute.

One student decided to count the number of bubbles.

Explain the student could improve the method in order to measure the volume of oxygen released more accurately. [2 marks]