
The US response to the Berlin Wall

Alarmed by the building of the Wall, President Kennedy sent his Vice-President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and US General Clay to Berlin. He also dispatched the US First Battle Group to reinforce the Allied soldiers in West Berlin. Spread along nearly 100 miles of road, the US military crossed East German territory and paraded into Berlin in an obvious show of military strength.

Stand-off at Checkpoint Charlie

Image showing US tanks at Checkpoint Charlie in Germany 1961

Once the wall was up, the US decided to test how far they could push the . Foreigners were still allowed to cross the Wall, and the US regularly sent troops and diplomats into the Soviet sector through , one of the guarded crossing points between East and West. Both sides were entitled to do this under the Four Powers Agreement made after the .

On 27 October 1961 the Soviets blocked an American diplomat crossing to the East. The USA reacted and brought tanks up to Checkpoint Charlie, to reaffirm their rights to cross. The Soviets responded by bringing their own tanks up to the border. All day long the two sides, with tanks and soldiers at the ready, faced each other in a tense stand-off. The nail-biting crisis lasted for 18 hours until diplomatic negotiations meant that both sides began slowly to withdraw.

President Kennedy visits Berlin

Image of John F Kennedy giving his famous Berlin speech

On 26 June 1963, US President John F Kennedy visited Berlin and made a famous speech in which he claimed that Berlin was a symbol of freedom and the struggle against . It was a strong, defiant message and put an end to Soviet hopes of driving the Allies out of Berlin.

During his famous speech Kennedy declared ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’ (a phrase intended to mean “I am a citizen of Berlin”). His intention was to show that he was standing alongside the people of Berlin in their struggle against communism. Unfortunately a 'Berliner' is also a type of German jam doughnut and so many misinterpreted the statement and claimed that Kennedy said ‘I am a jam doughnut’!

The Berlin Wall remained a symbol of Cold War tension until it was torn down in November 1989.

"Ich bin ein Berliner" speech