
Long-term memory

Long-term memory has an unlimited capacity and can hold information for a long time. Once information is encoded into the short-term memory, it can be transferred to the long-term memory to be stored.

Transferring information from short-term memory to long-term memory can be enhanced by rehearsal, organisation, and elaboration.

MethodHow it works
RehearsalGoing over information repeatedly
OrganisationPutting the information that is to be transferred into logical categories which makes it easier to transfer to LTM
ElaborationAddition of further information or meaning which results in the information being more meaningful and interesting to easier to transfer to LTM
How it worksGoing over information repeatedly
How it worksPutting the information that is to be transferred into logical categories which makes it easier to transfer to LTM
How it worksAddition of further information or meaning which results in the information being more meaningful and interesting to easier to transfer to LTM

Information can be retrieved from the long-term memory. When information is encoded we may use contextual cues to make the memory more powerful which makes it easier to recall later in life. These can by means such organising information into lists or categories to make more sense of it, or recalling additional related memories to make the information more memorable and easier to retrieve.