
Lighting equipment

The lighting designer uses lots of tools to create different effects on stage:

  • automated or moving heads - operated using a computer and can move and change colour and shape very quickly to create a range of effects
  • cyclorama - a large white drape or screen that is positioned upstage and can be lit using floodlights to create a block of colour, eg to represent the sky
  • floodlight - a lantern with a wide beam that can cover a large area on stage, an effect called a
  • follow spot - a tight beam of light that can be used to highlight a particular area on stage, often used to highlight and follow a particular actor
  • Fresnel - a lantern that creates a soft beam of light
  • gel - a coloured filter that can be placed on a lantern in front of a beam of light to change the colour
  • gobo - a metal template positioned in front of a beam of light to create shapes of light on stage, eg a window frame or tree
  • lighting desk - a manual or software-based system for operating lighting
  • Parcan - a type of lantern that produces an intense beam of light
  • practical - a light that is used as part of the set design, eg a desk lamp or torch
  • profile spot - a tight beam of light that can be used to highlight an area on stage
  • rigging - the structure that supports the lanterns, eg a
  • strobe - a light that flashes quickly on and off to create the effect of slow motion on stage; a health and safety risk for people with certain health issues
  • ultraviolet (UV) - when used with fluorescent costumes or set pieces, it can create spectacular effects on stage