
Suitability of the different sources of finance

Different sources of finance are suited to different business contexts, for example, start-up businesses, businesses experiencing cash flow issues, and expanding businesses.

Start-up business

Start-up businesses are most suited to the following types of finance:

  • owner’s capital – owners are likely to use their own money to start the business
  • family and friends – often provide new business owners with finances
  • a bank loan – could be difficult to get, but is possible with a detailed business plan
  • venture capital and business angels – may be willing to take the risk on a new business
  • trade credit – can be used to help a start-up business spread its costs
  • leasing and hire purchase – are both used by new businesses to spread costs on equipment it otherwise may not be able to afford
  • government grants – may be used if a business fits the criteria

Cash flow issues

Businesses with cash flow issues are most suited to the following types of finance:

  • owner’s capital – owners are likely to use their own money to cover some of the debts
  • family and friends – may help out in difficult financial times
  • bank loan – could be difficult to get, but is possible with a detailed business plan
  • overdraft – this will allow the business to gain some temporary finances
  • share issue – this could be used to sell off part of the business to raise finance
  • trade credit – can be used to help delay some business costs
  • selling assets – may be used as a last resort to gain money


A growing business is most suited to the following types of finance:

  • retained profit – an expanding business will likely have some spare profit they can use to invest
  • bank loan – could be used to provide money to grow the business
  • venture capitalists and business angels – they will look for opportunities to invest in growing businesses to help maximise their financial returns
  • share issue – this could be used to sell off part of the business to raise finance
  • new partners – a business may invite new partners to invest and help them grow the business