
Exam skills - applied anatomy and physiology practice questions


  1. Identify the equation to work out cardiac output (Q).
    • A) stroke volume Ă— heart rate
    • B) blood pressure Ă— heart rate
    • C) tidal volume Ă— stroke volume
    • D) blood pressure Ă— stroke volume
  2. Identify the muscle that forms an antagonistic pair with the triceps. (1)
  3. Describe what happens to the air when you breathe in. (2)
  4. Discuss how the cardiovascular system adapts to long term aerobic exercise participation. (8)


  1. A
  2. Biceps
  3. Taken back to the heart (1) and pumped around body (1) - some might use the term diffuse into blood (1) and then transported to heart (1) or oxygenated the blood (1)
  4. Answer to include:
    • decreased resting BP
    • cardiac hypertrophy – increased stroke volume (SV), increased cardiac output (Q), decreased resting heart rate (HR) , increased max Q, increased HR reserve means the athlete can train at the same intensity at lower HR
    • capillarisation around the alveoli and skeletal muscle means greater O2 diffusion
    • increased strength of respiratory muscles, increased vital capacity, decreased breathing frequency (f), decreased tidal volume means greater amount of O2 available to working muscle
    • increased red blood cell production, increased haemoglobin level, increased O2 carrying capacity, increased gaseous exchange, means greater O2 carrying capacity

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