
Supply and demand of natural resources - an unequal balance - OCRResources - food, energy and water

Food, water and energy are resources that help to maintain social and economic wellbeing. Their production and consumption is not equally spread between countries. The UK has reserves of each type.

Part of GeographyResource reliance

Resources - food, energy and water

are a supply of something (eg money or materials) that people use. Some resources are essential for survival, whilst others are needed to maintain a .


People cannot live without food. An average person needs to consume between 2,000 and 2,500 per day. The actual number of calories needed depends on factors such as gender, age, height and level of activity.

Eating too few calories causes weight loss and a lack of energy. People who do not have enough food to eat find it difficult to work. If there are too many people in a country who are unable to work, then that country will lose a lot of money. Regularly consuming more calories than are burned causes weight gain. People who eat too many calories for a sustained period of time can also find it difficult to work.

The International Red Cross distributes aid packages
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The International Red Cross distributes aid packages to try to prevent malnutrition


Figure caption,
Irrigation enables crops to grow

People cannot live without clean, safe drinking water. Water makes up about two thirds of a person's body. It is needed for the body to function, eg to absorb nutrients and get rid of waste. Each person should drink a minimum of 1.6 to 2 litres of water a day. The actual amount of water needed depends on factors such as the air temperature and the type of activity that a person undertakes each day.

Water is also used to keep people clean and healthy and is needed to grow food and for . In drier countries or drier seasons, enables crops to grow. Industry uses water in many ways, such as cleaning, cooling and as a in production.

Exploring the issues linked to distribution and access to water in different parts of the world


Power stations
Figure caption,
Power stations convert primary energy into electricity

has many uses. It heats homes and offices, cooks food and powers transport. Much of the energy that used is in the form of electricity. This is called - sources, such as or the wind, have been used as a fuel to generate it.

Energy affects both food supplies and industry. and growing required to generate energy takes up valuable farmland, which reduces the amount of food available to eat. And if energy is more expensive or in short supply, then it costs more to produce and transport food. This is therefore passed on to consumers through an increase in the price of food.