

For Jews, is known as the founder or first of Judaism which means that Jewish people strive to follow his example. He is vital to Jewish history as the first point of contact between God and the Jews. It was through Abraham that the idea of the , or a homeland for Jewish people, was created.

Abraham was the recipient of the first with God. Abraham was born in the city of Ur (located in the country now called Iraq) at a time when worshipping was common.

God instructed Abraham to leave his home and travel to Canaan, the Promised Land. Canaan was an ancient country close to modern-day Israel. In contrast with Abraham's home, Canaan was an arid wasteland. God asked Abraham to follow the rules he had set and be a good example to others.

The Lord said to Abram, ‘Go forth from your native land and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, And I will bless you.’
— Genesis 12:1-2

In return, God promised Abraham that he and his wife Sarah would be given something that they had longed for - a child. He also told Abraham that he would protect them both and their descendants.

Infographic depicting the life of Abraham

God promised that Abraham would become the father of many nations. The covenant was sealed through his . Jewish people still carry out the circumcision on the eighth day after a boy’s birth as a sign of this covenant today. Due to Abraham keeping his covenant, Sarah gave birth to their son, Isaac. God chose Isaac to inherit the covenant directly from his father, and Isaac handed it on to his own son, Jacob. Therefore Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are known as Israel’s patriarchs.


Where was the Promised Land?