
Believer’s baptism (Baptist Church) - the service

Why carry out believer’s baptism?

  • Christ commanded it
  • the early Church practised it
  • it is a public confession of faith
  • it shows allegiance to the Church/allows Church membership
  • it allows admission to

Christians who practise believer’s baptism accept that a person needs to be able to claim Jesus as their personal saviour. The celebration of baptism is a way of showing that this belief exists, and the person wishes to be totally committed to the will of God.

The use of total immersion at a more mature age imitates the example of Jesus who was baptised by in the River Jordan.

Order of baptism service

In the Baptist Church only believers are baptised by full immersion. This will usually take place as part of an evening service when a number of people may be baptised.

The service will usually begin with a reading from the Bible. This is used as a call to worship in order that people’s hearts might be focused on what they are about to witness. After this there is usually a time to worship God through singing songs.

As part of this service the candidate for baptism will tell the congregation why they wish to be baptised. This is an opportunity for the person to publicly confess their faith in God and explain how they became a Christian. It is important because in the Baptist Church only Christians are baptised. They are baptised to make clear to all people their Christian faith.

After this there is often a sermon when the pastor will explain what the Baptist Church teaches on baptism. The pastor may look at a story such as 8:26-40. This is the account of the Ethiopian who was baptised after he became a Christian. The pastor will explain that, in light of, this Baptists subscribe to believer’s baptism.

Following the sermon, a song is sung to allow the candidates for baptism to go and prepare for the next part.

After the song the candidates come forward and are prayed for. Then they are asked three questions.

  1. “Do you confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?” The answer is, “I do.”
  2. “Do you turn from sin, renounce evil and intend to follow Christ?” The answer is, “I do.”
  3. “Will you seek to live within the fellowship of his Church, and to serve him in the world?” The answer is, “With the Lord’s help, I will.”

After answering the questions, the person goes into the water to be baptised. Before baptism the pastor will say, “On profession of your faith in Christ Jesus, and at your own request, I now baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

The person is then baptised and a song is sung to conclude the service.