
Meeting Assessment Objective 3

Student observational drawings of fruit and flowers in a range of media
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Like this student has done, using different media and techniques in your observational work can help define which visual elements are most important to your project

Assessment Objective 3 is about recording your ideas, observations and insights. These can be visual, written and in other forms.

You should work from a range of experiences and stimulus materials, as each of these could lead you to different ways of developing your ideas. You should reflect upon your work, and consider what you have achieved at each stage and what you will do next.

Evidence of your understanding and intentions can be shown by the ways you use media, materials and processes, as well as in the ways that you develop your ideas, skills and techniques.

You should demonstrate that you have reflected on how you developed your ideas. This should be based on your selection of media, sources and contextual material. You need to show you have understood the formal elements in your own work and that of others. You should also consider how you could develop your ideas further on the set brief or theme.


When recording ideas have you:

  • collected images to show your inspiration and stimuli?
  • made use of drawings, sketches, jottings, photographs and experiments with different media?
  • annotated images to explain how they fit into your development process?
  • demonstrated your understanding through correct use of art and design vocabulary?
  • shown experimentation and selection of the most successful results for your project?
  • organised your recordings and presented them to show and explain your decisions?
  • clearly linked all of your work to your starting point?
Photos of butterflies and plants, and annotations explaining a student's thoughts
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Annotating photos, drawings and other work is a good way to record how they fit in your process and to reflect your insights about visual language, as this student has done