
Culture and diversity in 20th century Britain

Britain in the 20th century

During the 20th century, into Britain encouraged the development of diverse cultural experiences and understanding within society. Cultural integration brought music, literature, art, food and fashion from different parts of the world, particularly from places that had been part of the and then the – and it also impacted things like business and sport.

Ways in which immigration has directly impacted society and culture in the 20th and 21st century

An example of cultural integration in British society was the introduction of ska and reggae music from Jamaica in the Caribbean. This was a major achievement of Chris Blackwell, who founded a recording company called Island Records in 1958 in Jamaica. In 1962 he returned to England and Island Records became more and more successful. In the 1970s he brought Bob Marley and his music to Britain.

There was also a greater appreciation of the history and philosophy of other societies around the globe during the 20th century. Originally there was an interest in these diverse cultures so that Britain could rule them more effectively within the Empire. In the later 20th century the motives changed and many British people realised the benefits of developing a multicultural society that would broaden the experience and meaning of being British. The identities of migrants who came from the West Indies, Africa and Asia were more complex and the notions of being black British and Asian British developed in the late 20th century.

However, the development of a tolerant multicultural Britain has had its opponents. There has been racism in society that has led to open opposition to immigration and also more covert discrimination against black and Asian people. This racism was gradually brought under the control of British laws when the 1965 Race Relations Act made racial discrimination illegal. However, the achievement of racial equality remains a challenge even in the 21st century.