

A paragraph is a group of sentences that all link to one topic or theme. For example in the opening to The Hunger Games, the entire paragraph focuses on the narrator waking up and realising that her sister is missing. The details of the bed, the name of her sister and the questions about bad dreams are all connected.

In fictional pieces of writing, paragraphs help the reader to move through the story.

When should I start a new paragraph?

Paragraphs are like signposts for your reader. A new paragraph usually indicates a change of time, place, topic or person.

Remember when to start a new paragraph with the TiPToP:

Ti – Time

  • Start a new paragraph when you move to a new time in your . Your paragraph might begin with Later, In the evening, That afternoon or another time indicator.

P – Place

  • Start a new paragraph when you move to a different place in your story.

To – Topic

  • Start a new paragraph when you change topic, start a new piece of action, or move to a new idea in your story or descriptive writing.

P – Person

  • Start a new paragraph when you focus on a different character, or when you use dialogue.
A clock, Parisian scene, lightbulb, and woman with a microphone

How can I use paragraphs for dramatic effect?

Paragraphs can also be used to highlight tense or significant moments within your writing. For example, a short one-sentence paragraph is likely to add or highlight a turning point in a narrative.