
Performing and composing ideas

There are techniques for composing and performance in Make You Feel My Love that are usual in a pop genre but can also be employed in many other music genres.

DynamicsEnsure that any crescendos or diminuendos are smoothly performedUsing dynamics wisely can help interpret the mood you wish to portray
End-of-phrase fills on a different instrumentThe performer of the fills and the performer of the main melody must play in the same style.Using a different instrument to fill the melody rests can add decoration and keep the music flowing
Plagal cadence With any type of cadance, it is wise to be aware of the cadence points at the end of each phrase so that the audience know when the finale is or isn'tA plagal cadence can give a softer end of a phrase, compared to a perfect cadence
Stepwise melodiesEven if a melody is stepwise with simple intervals, remember to pay attention to accents, slurs, phrasing and dynamics to make it interestingStepwise movement can give a melody a conversational feel as it follows the shape of a spoken word. closely
Melody and accompaniment texturePerformers must know which part must be heard within the textureWrite the accompaniment so that it has movement and interplays with the melody
Syllabic text setting A singer can bring words to life by using expression and special articulations of important wordsSyllabic text setting makes a song sound natural and conversational
PerformanceEnsure that any crescendos or diminuendos are smoothly performed
CompositionUsing dynamics wisely can help interpret the mood you wish to portray
End-of-phrase fills on a different instrument
PerformanceThe performer of the fills and the performer of the main melody must play in the same style.
CompositionUsing a different instrument to fill the melody rests can add decoration and keep the music flowing
Plagal cadence
PerformanceWith any type of cadance, it is wise to be aware of the cadence points at the end of each phrase so that the audience know when the finale is or isn't
CompositionA plagal cadence can give a softer end of a phrase, compared to a perfect cadence
Stepwise melodies
PerformanceEven if a melody is stepwise with simple intervals, remember to pay attention to accents, slurs, phrasing and dynamics to make it interesting
CompositionStepwise movement can give a melody a conversational feel as it follows the shape of a spoken word. closely
Melody and accompaniment texture
PerformancePerformers must know which part must be heard within the texture
CompositionWrite the accompaniment so that it has movement and interplays with the melody
Syllabic text setting
PerformanceA singer can bring words to life by using expression and special articulations of important words
CompositionSyllabic text setting makes a song sound natural and conversational