
Methods of market research – primary research

There are two main types of – primary and secondary.

Primary market research, also known as field research, is new research that a business undertakes itself. It involves collecting new and information that has not been collected before. Primary research provides a business with customised research that is specific to its own circumstances. It often uses the business’ own customers to find out information.

Primary research can be carried out in a number of different ways, for example surveys, questionnaires, focus groups or observations.


A survey asks questions to get opinions and learn about customers’ experiences with a product or service. A survey can be conducted using methods such as:

  • an online questionnaire
  • a paper-based questionnaire
  • an interview
  • a focus group


A questionnaire is a set of questions to find out customers’ opinions. It can be done online, in person or through the post. When creating a questionnaire, businesses need to have a clear goal and ask questions linked to this goal.

Questionnaires are made up of open and closed questions:

  • Open questions aim to get detailed opinions and allow customers to respond using their own words. An example of this is, ‘What do you think of our new latte and why?’. This question would allow someone to express their thoughts about the new latte and give the reasons for their opinion.
  • Closed questions do not allow respondents to give reasons for their responses. For example, ‘Do you like our new latte – yes or no?’ or ‘On a scale of one to five, how likely would you be to purchase our new hot chocolate?’.

Focus groups

A focus group is a group interview. It can take place in person or online. In a focus group, people are asked questions or given and asked for their opinions about a product or service. Their replies provide businesses with more in-depth information than questionnaires.

The size of the group is important. If the group is too small, not enough opinions will be gathered. If the group is too big, some people may not get a chance to contribute.


Observations involve watching customers to find out their reactions to certain products or services. For example, this could involve watching someone try a drink for the first time or monitoring which products a customer notices first when they go into a shop.

Advantages of primary research Disadvantages of primary research
Specific to the businessTime consuming
Provides detailed information Expensive
Relevant and up to dateSometimes difficult to collect
Can gather a mixture of quantitative and qualitative data
Advantages of primary researchSpecific to the business
Disadvantages of primary researchTime consuming
Advantages of primary researchProvides detailed information
Disadvantages of primary researchExpensive
Advantages of primary researchRelevant and up to date
Disadvantages of primary researchSometimes difficult to collect
Advantages of primary researchCan gather a mixture of quantitative and qualitative data
Disadvantages of primary research