

Britain was a heavily industrialised country which produced much of the materials needed to fight the war against Germany in its factories, mines and yards. Many materials and goods were produced, including coal, steel, ships, aircraft, tanks, transport vehicles, guns and munitions.

The Germans aimed to destroy Britain's capability to produce these materials and goods. They also wanted to disrupt communications and destroy military installations within Britain.

London buildings being bombed during the Blitz
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London buildings being bombed during the Blitz

The German was used to target and bomb British industrial cities, including London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Liverpool, Manchester and Sheffield. This bombing was especially intense during 1940-1941 and referred to as the 'Blitz' in the British press.

Many German bombs did not only hit industrial and military targets, but also landed in residential areas and on people’s homes. The fact that civilians and their homes were endangered by German bombings, led to Government action.

Those living in populated areas had been encouraged to build Anderson shelters in their gardens. Large civic shelters were constructed in towns and cities to protect large numbers of civilians and those who did not have gardens.

Londoners sheltering in Bounds Green tube station platform during an air raid in the Blitz
Figure caption,
Londoners had to shelter in the tube station during the Blitz

A ‘blackout’ was enforced after dusk, whereby lights were only to be turned on in houses if rooms had blackout curtains.

All sections of society were affected by the bombing. The upper, middle and working classes were equally at risk.

Bombing helped to change attitudes because civilians helped each other construct shelters and would check to see if families needed help after a raid. A community spirit and mentality whereby everyone helped each other, developed in Britain. This attitude was to continue after the war and resulted in new laws being passed.

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