
Practical questions

During the GCSE Physics course you will complete practical activities from eight Practical Activity Groups (PAGs).

The exams will include questions about the apparatus, methods, safety precautions, results, analysis and evaluation of some of these experiments. You may also be asked to apply your knowledge to unfamiliar practical contexts, which will draw on your practical knowledge and understanding.

Practical questions will appear throughout both exam papers (Breadth and Depth), and at both Foundation tier and Higher tier.

Remember to look at your lab book or your notes from the practical activities you have done when you're revising for the exams.

The practical questions also test your knowledge of 'Ideas about Science'.

There are four main aspects to 'Ideas about Science'. These are:

  1. Planning practical experiments and investigations (including writing hypotheses and predictions, selecting apparatus and describing methods, controlling factors, and working safely)
  2. Processing and analysing data (including doing calculations, presenting data graphically, identifying patterns and trends, evaluating results and experiments, and interpreting data to draw appropriate conclusions)
  3. Developing scientific explanations (including ideas about correlation and cause, peer review, and the use of models in science)
  4. The impacts of applications of science (including positive and negative impacts on people, other organisms and the environment, and ideas about risk and ethics)

Learn about practicals with Dr Alex Lathbridge

Dr Alex Lathbridge answers questions about practicals.

Sample question 1 - Higher


A circuit with a power supply, a voltmeter and an ammeter is connected to a heating coil. The coil is placed within a beaker filled with water.

Richard uses the equipment below to calculate the specific heat capacity of water.

a) State one safety issue Richard needs to consider in a risk assessment and explain what he can do to prevent this risk. [2 marks]

b) State and explain how he could improve the experiment to get a more accurate result. [2 marks]

OCR 21st Century Science, GCE Physics, Paper J259, 2016 - Higher.

Sample question 2 - Higher


Two students are investigating springs and forces.

They begin by comparing three different springs.

They measured how much each spring stretched for a range of different weights attached.

Here are their results:

Force (N) in spring AExtension (cm) in spring AForce (N) in spring BExtension (cm) in spring BForce (N) in spring CExtension (cm) in spring C
Force (N) in spring A0.0
Extension (cm) in spring A0.0
Force (N) in spring B0.0
Extension (cm) in spring B0.0
Force (N) in spring C0.0
Extension (cm) in spring C0.0
Force (N) in spring A1.0
Extension (cm) in spring A0.7
Force (N) in spring B1.0
Extension (cm) in spring B0.6
Force (N) in spring C1.0
Extension (cm) in spring C1.6
Force (N) in spring A2.0
Extension (cm) in spring A1.4
Force (N) in spring B2.0
Extension (cm) in spring B1.0
Force (N) in spring C2.0
Extension (cm) in spring C3.2
Force (N) in spring A3.0
Extension (cm) in spring A2.1
Force (N) in spring B3.0
Extension (cm) in spring B1.6
Force (N) in spring C3.0
Extension (cm) in spring C4.8
Force (N) in spring A4.0
Extension (cm) in spring A2.8
Force (N) in spring B4.0
Extension (cm) in spring B2.4
Force (N) in spring C4.0
Extension (cm) in spring C6.4
Force (N) in spring A5.0
Extension (cm) in spring A3.5
Force (N) in spring B5.0
Extension (cm) in spring B3.8
Force (N) in spring C5.0
Extension (cm) in spring C8.0

One of the students makes a comment about the data. "The data for all of the springs follows a linear relationship."

Is this student correct?

Use your understanding of what is meant by a linear relationship to help explain your answer. [2 marks]

OCR 21st Century Science, GCE Physics, Paper J259, 2016 - Higher.

Sample question 3 - Foundation


a) Which instrument, A, B C or D could be used to determine the volume of an irregular shaped solid? [1 mark]

An image shows a scale, a ruler, a measuring cylinder and a stop watch.

b) How would you use it to find the volume? [3 marks]

OCR 21st Century Science, GCE Physics, PAG, February 2017.