

What does pacifism mean to Catholics?

reject all violence. They do not think that conflict should be dealt with by resorting to war. They think that other peaceful methods should be used.

The early Christians interpreted Jesus' to mean that they could not fight in wars or be violent. In the Gospel of , Jesus said:

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
— Matthew 5:9

They also look to the example of Jesus' life for further reasons to be pacifists. When the guards came to arrest Jesus he did not fight back and he commanded his to allow him to be taken.

Pacifists also use the teaching in the to justify their position. In Exodus it says:

Do not murder.
— Exodus 20:13

Today there are pacifists in most Christian . Some Christian denominations teach their members that pacifism is the only acceptable response to violence.

Conscientious objectors

In countries where there may be mandatory conscription into the military, may be assigned to a civilian role instead. The rights of conscientious objectors were upheld by the (an international forum on human rights) in 1995.


Explain what a pacifist would say about war.