
Watch: Electricity and its uses

Discover where electricity comes from and how it is used.

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Power plants generate electricity.

Electricity is created by generators which can be powered by gas, coal, oil, wind or solar.

Appliances can convert electrical energy into other types such as:

  • light
  • heat
  • movement
  • sound

Electricity is dangerous, so be careful when using electrical appliances.

Image caption,
Power plants generate electricity.
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Activity 1: Electricity quiz

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Activity 2: Sorting appliances

Lots of different appliances use electricity.

  1. Have a look around the room that you're in and make a list of all the appliances you can see which use electricity.
  2. Fold a piece of paper paper into four sections, labelling each with one of the other types of energy that electrical appliances may produce (for example, light energy).
  3. Draw each appliance underneath the correct heading.

Which have you found to be the most common way that electrical energy is converted by appliances?

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Activity 3: Graphite circuits

Use a pencil to create your own graphite circuit with this activity from the .

Create your own graphite circuits in partnership with the Science Museum Group.

Graphite Circuits
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Play fun and educational primary games in science, maths, English, history, geography, art, computing and modern languages.

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