
What was life in ancient Greece like?

Greek children chasing a dog
  • Ancient Greece had a warm, dry climate, as Greece does today.
  • Most people lived by farming, fishing and trade.
  • Others were soldiers, scholars, scientists and artists.
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What were Greek homes like?

A fountain house scene on a greek jar.
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This water jar from around 500BC shows a 'fountain-house'. Women came here to fill jars with water to carry home on their heads.
  • Ancient Greek homes were built around a courtyard or garden.

  • The walls were often made from wood and mud bricks.

  • They had small windows with wooden shutters to keep out the hot sun.

  • They didn't have much furniture inside.

  • Many homes didn’t have a bathroom. There were public baths

  • Most people washed using a small bucket or in a nearby stream.

  • At night, Greeks slept on beds stuffed with wool, feathers or dry grass.

A fountain house scene on a greek jar.
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This water jar from around 500BC shows a 'fountain-house'. Women came here to fill jars with water to carry home on their heads.
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What were Greek clothes like?

A Ancient Greek woman carrying a pot on her head.
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Most common people wore fairly plain clothes. Only wealthy people could afford to dye their clothes different colours.
  • A Greek woman wore a long tunic called a chiton.

  • Over this, she wore a cloak draped from her shoulders, called a himation.

  • Young men wore short tunics, while older men preferred long ones.

  • Enslaved men often wore just a strip of cloth called a loincloth.

  • Many people walked around barefoot.
  • Some wore leather sandals or, for horse-riding, high boots.
  • Many people wore wide-brimmed hats in hot weather, to shade their faces from the sun.
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What toys did children play with?

A small statue of two people playing knucklebones.
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These people are playing a game of 'knucklebones'. This was a bit like jacks or fivestones, but played with the ankle-bones of goats or sheep.
  • Children played with small pottery figures, and dolls made of rags, wood, wax or clay

  • Some of these dolls even had moveable arms and legs!

  • Other toys were rattles, hoops, yo-yos and hobby horses (a pretend horse made from a stick).

  • Children also played with balls made from tied-up rags or a blown-up pig's bladder.

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What did the Greeks like to eat?

MealWhat did people eat?
BreakfastFruit with bread dipped in wine
LunchBread and cheese
DinnerPorridge made from barley, with cheese, fish, vegetables, eggs and fruit
PuddingNuts, figs and cakes sweetened with honey
A ancient Greek jar showing people harvesting olives.
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This jar shows people harvesting olives. The olive is a very valuable tree in Greece. People ate the fruit, but also crushed olives to make olive oil. They used this for cooking, in oil lamps and cosmetics.
  • Men and women usually ate separately in ancient Greece.

  • Everyone ate with their fingers, so food was cut up in the kitchen first.

  • Only rich people ate a lot of meat. They would eat hares, deer and wild boar.

  • Octopus was a favourite seafood.

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Activity 1: Ancient Greek family

Click on the family below to find out a bit about their life

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Activity 2: Quiz – Life in ancient Greece

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Game: The Argo Odyssey

Argo the dog is missing! He was last spotted in a Greek family home. Play the game to find out what people wore and the things they owned.

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