
Significant figures

Counting significant figures

The digit in a number which best indicates its size is known as the ‘first significant figure’. It is always the first non zero digit in the number.

Significant figure is often abbreviated to sig. fig. or s.f.

For the number 6572, ‘6’ is the first significant figure because it tells us that the number is 6 thousand and something.

6572; first sig. fig - 5; second sig. fig - 5, third sig. fig - 7, fourth  sig. fig - 2
Figure caption,

‘5’ is the second sig. fig. as it tells us the number is 6 thousand and 5 hundred.

‘7’ is the third sig. fig. and ‘2’ is the fourth.

For the number 0.00301, ‘3’ is the first sig. fig. as it tells us that the number is 3 thousandths and something.

0.00301; First significant figure - 3; Second significant figure - 0; Third significant figure -1

The first 3 zeros are not counted as significant but the zero between the ‘3’ and ‘1’ is the second sig. fig. ‘1’ is the third sig. fig.

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Rounding to significant figures

Answers to calculations are often rounded to a number of significant figures, usually 1, 2 or 3.
Normal rules for rounding apply.

Round up if the digit to the right is 5 or more; otherwise leave that digit as it is.


Round 378.65 to 1 significant figure.


The first sig. fig. is 3. The digit to the right is 7 so we need to add 1 to the 3.
378.65 rounded to 1 significant figure is 400

The answer should be approximately the same as the original number.




Round 378.65 to 3 significant figures.


The third sig. fig. is 8. The digit to the right is 6 so we need to add 1 to the 8. 378.65 rounded to 3 significant figures is 379




Round 0.0080732 to 3 significant figures.


The third sig. fig. is 7.
(Remember – don’t count the zeros before the first sig. fig.)
The digit to the right is 3 so we leave it as it is. 0.0080732 to 3 significant figures is 0.00807



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Write 426723 to 2 significant figures.


Juno has calculated (correctly!) that there are 0.00175975 pints in one millilitre.

Write this number correct to 2 significant figures.

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