

  • Fractions can be added, subtracted, multiplied or divided.
  • A fraction of an amount can be calculated.

How to add and subtract fractions

  • To add/subtract fractions with the same , add/subtract the and keep the denominator.
  • When fractions have different denominators, find a and add/subtract the new numerators.


\( \LARGE \frac{2}{11}+\frac{5}{11}+\frac{1}{11}= {\color{red}{?}}\)

Showing your working out is essential to gain marks in questions like this

To add fractions with the same denominator, add the numerators and keep the denominator.

\(\LARGE \frac{{\color{red}{\textbf{2}}}+{\color{red}{\textbf{5}}}+{\color{red}{\textbf{1}}}}{11}=\frac{{\color{red}{\textbf{8}}}}{11}\)


\(\LARGE {4 \frac{2}{7}- 1\frac{5}{7}= {\color{red}{?}}}\)

Showing your working out is essential to gain marks in questions like this

Make the fractions top heavy and then subtract.

\(\LARGE {\frac{30}{7}- \frac{12}{7}= {\color{red}{\frac{18}{7}}}}\)

Change the answer back to a mixed number.

\(\LARGE {\frac{18}{7}= {\color{red}2{\frac{4}{7}}}}\)

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\(\LARGE {\frac{8}{15}+\frac{11}{15}= {\color{red}{?}}}\)

Show your working


Calculate the value of \(\LARGE 2{\frac{2}{7}}-1{\frac{4}{7}}\)

Show your working

\( \LARGE {\frac{5}{4}+\frac{8}{3}}=\color{red}?\)

Show your working

When fractions have different denominators, find a common denominator and add the new numerators.

Image caption,
The common denominator is 12 because 12 is the lowest number that 4 and 3 both divide into.

Now add the numerators

\( \LARGE {\frac{15}{12}+\frac{32}{12}}=\frac{47}{12}\)

And change the answer to a mixed number

\( \LARGE {\frac{47}{12}}= \color {red} 3 \frac{11}{12}\)


Calculate the value of \( \LARGE \frac{5}{8}-\frac{1}{6}\)

Show your working

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Multiplying fractions

Fractions can be multiplied or divided.

How to multiply fractions

  • Change any mixed numbers to top heavy fractions before multiplying.
  • Multiply the numerators and then multiply the denominators.
  • Write the answer in its simplest form.


Showing your working out is essential to gain marks in questions like this

\( \LARGE {\frac{2}{3} \times 2 \frac{1}{5}}\)

Change any mixed numbers to top heavy fractions
\( \LARGE 2{\frac{1}{5} = \color{red} \frac{11}{5}}\)

Multiply the numerators and then multiply the denominators
\( \LARGE {\frac{2}{3} \times \frac{11}{5} = \color{red} \frac{22}{15}}\)

Change \(\normalsize {\frac{22}{15}}\)into a mixed number

\( \LARGE {\frac{22}{15} = \color{red} 1\frac{7}{15}}\)

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Calculate the value of \( \LARGE \frac{5}{6}\times\frac{2}{3}\)

Show your working

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Dividing fractions

How to divide fractions

Change any mixed numbers to top heavy fractions then,

  • KEEP the first fraction as it is
  • CHANGE the Ă· to a ×
  • FLIP the second fraction

Then multiply the fractions and write the answer in its simplest form.


Calculate \( \LARGE {\frac{2}{3}\div\frac{3}{4}}\)

Remember to show your working


Then multiply the numerators and then the denominators.

\( \LARGE {\frac{2}{3}\times\frac{4}{3}}=\color{red}\frac{8}{9}\)

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Calculate the value of \(\large\frac{3}{8}\div\frac{2}{5}\) showing your working out.

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Fractions of a quantity

To find a fraction of a quantity

  • Divide the amount by the denominator.
  • Multiply the answer by the numerator.

The multiplication and division can be done in either order.


Calculate \(\frac{2}{3}\text {of } 27\) showing your working out.

Divide the amount by the denominator. \(27 \div 3 = \color{red}9\)
Multiply the answer by the numerator. \(9 \times 2 = \color{red}18\)

\(\large\frac{2}{3}\text {of } 27=\color{red}18\)

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Jacob got £20 from his grandmother. He spent ⅖ of this on a book.
How much did the book cost?

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Test yourself

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