

As a public body the ±«Óătv has a responsibility to operate as transparently as possible.  The Trust takes this duty seriously and has tasked the ±«Óătv with setting new standards in openness and transparency.

We monitor the ±«Óătv's performance in this area and report in the Annual Report and Accounts.

The ±«Óătv Trust is directly accountable to licence fee payers; this is essential to maintaining the ±«Óătv's independence.  This means we have a responsibility to operate transparently.

We consult licence fee payers and industry on important decisions, we conduct audience research and we use our network of Audience Councils to help keep us informed on the views of licence fee payers across the United Kingdom. 

When we make a decision, we publish evidence and explain our conclusions. We also publish the costs of our major pieces of work.  We publish the findings of all editorial appeal decisions, the outcomes of value for money and service licence reviews and the minutes of our monthly Trust meetings.

Each year we publish a work plan. This is an overview of work we know we can plan for.