
±«Óãtv One
  • Leon Doyle
  • Alex Britez Cabral
  • Melody Hossaini
  • Felicity Jackson
  • Edna Agbarha
  • Susan Ma
  • Ellie Reed
  • Helen Louise Milligan
  • Natasha Scribbins
  • Vincent Disneur
  • Jim Eastwood
  • Edward Hunter
  • Gavin Winstanley
  • Tom Pellereau
  • Glenn Ward
  • Zoe Beresford
Tom Pellereau

Tom Pellereau

Cites Thomas Edison as an icon

Age: 31
Career: Inventor
Lives: London

Boardroom Appearances countcount

The Final: Tom’s on the edge of his seat…


Despite only ever winning three tasks overall, Tom said he was ‘saving it all to the last’ and, as it turns out, he couldn’t have been more right.

Tom’s business plan was to tackle the problem of back pain in the workplace by providing offices with a range of special chairs. However, when asked in the pitch why the word ‘chair’ hadn’t actually been mentioned at all in his business plan, Tom fell silent and willed his own chair to swallow him whole. In the interviews Tom’s ‘nice guy’ image and his current business standing were all brought into question. ÌýHowever, Tom managed to divert any awkward questions with lofty tales of his ‘curved nail file’ and its journey around the world. Everyone was suitably impressed.

In the boardroom, the lack of the word ‘chair’ in Tom’s business plan and the fact that his figures were ‘wrong’ caused concern. Karren Brady threw him a lifeline by telling Lord Sugar, ‘He’s the one that would most benefit from your involvement’. As it turned out, Lord Sugar agreed and hired him as his new business partner with an investment of £250,000. It was safe to say that Tom nearly fell off his… chair.


Episode Eleven: Will Tom be left pie and dry?


Helen reluctantly allowed Tom to be in charge of the branding of their pie shop, but warned him, ‘I’m trusting you here Tom, big time’.

With so much responsibility heaped upon his shoulders, Tom headed straight off to a baby shop, where he persisted to take lots of pictures of babygros while muttering something about ‘flying pies’. The misreading of a sign led to the birth of ‘MyPy’ – ‘Say hello to British Pies’ and Tom set about looking for famous Britain’s to represent his brand. Benny Hill and Ross Kemp were thrown out in favour of Christopher Columbus and Lord Byron and ‘MyPy’ started trading, ignoring the fact that they had a stray European in their midst.

The industry executives loved Tom and Helen’s British theme and Lord Sugar described it as an idea that ‘has got legs’. It was announced that Team Logic had won the task and Tom chartered his course straight through to the final.


Episode Ten: Nodding fever hits The Apprentice


When Lord Sugar explained the task and told Tom that he’d be watching out for him, Tom nodded his head furiously. Lord Sugar warned him, ‘If you nod your head any more, I’m going to put you on the back seat of my bloody car’. It was to be a condition that would quickly spread throughout many of the candidates.Ìý

Eager to prove that he had selling ability, Tom set about successfully selling the perfect product - nodding dogs. Then when his day was done, he reported back to Project Manager Melody that they were the best sellers. Melody nodded intently and then completely ignored his advice and went off to the wholesalers to purchase a mass of mobile phone chargers and digital photo frames.Ìý
After it was announced that Team Logic had lost the task, he found himself in the boardroom for the third time in a row. Tom’s enthusiastic nod turned to a violent shake of the head as Lord Sugar pondered who was to be fired. Tom was described as ‘the nodding hindsight man’ by Lord Sugar, but wasn’t fired.Ìý


Episode Nine: It’s not crackers…


When Lord Sugar arrived at the house, Tom opened the door and nearly fell off the step with surprise. Biscuits were the task and Tom was packed off to Swansea to the biscuit development factory to come up with a product. Thinking about ideas for different types of biscuits, Tom surpassed all expectations and settled on a concept for ‘an emergency biscuit’.

The ‘emergency biscuit’ was pitched to the focus group with the catchy tag line, ‘Something’s gone wrong so you need an emergency biscuit’. But the focus group struggled to appreciate the genius behind the product and the idea was thrown out. After much labouring with the idea of a biscuit within a biscuit, ‘Bix Mix’ was finally born; a digestive hybrid that could be snapped and shared with friends. Tom confidently stated that they had pulled two ideas together and ‘not gone with a luxury product’, a statement that was to get stuck in his throat later on.Ìý
Although the supermarkets seemed to like the idea of snapping the biscuit, the fact that it was a lowly digestive caused concerns and, when it was announced in the boardroom that none of them had placed orders, the finger was pointed at the product and at Tom. When Tom tried to defend himself by saying it wasn’t clear that they were making a luxury product, Zoe pointed out the high end retail price and said, ‘What part of that doesn’t mean a luxury to you?’ Lord Sugar classified Tom as the ‘hindsight man’, but chose not to fire him. After a sigh of relief Tom went back to the house, via the emergency exit.Ìý


Episode Eight: Scissors, Paper, groan…


Tom giggled nervously when Lord Sugar announced that he was to be the Project Manager, but determined to make a good impression; he sent half of his team to Paris and went off to pick products that he could sell to the French outlets. Tom showed a liking for the pop-up postcard, the flying teapot lamp and the car seat booster for children.Ìý

He asked his sub-team to conduct market research into the products and the sales outlets. Melody came back with the results and told Tom that driving wasn’t popular in France and they should go for the teapot lamp instead of the car seat. Teapot lamp selected, it was up to Tom and Natasha to handle the pitch to the major shopping outlet, but with so much at stake, how would they decide on who leads the pitch? Flipping a coin was thrown out in favour of a quick game of ‘Scissors, Paper, Stone’ and it was decided that Natasha would lead.Ìý
Tom’s team lost the task when it was announced that the major shopping outlet hadn’t placed any orders and with Tom’s personal sales book empty, it looked like some fast-talking was required. Tom decided to bring Melody and Leon back into the boardroom, saying, ‘I had one person who didn’t listen...and then on the other side, one person who didn’t do anything’. Tom wasn’t fired, but hopes that Lord Sugar won’t be using a game of Snakes and Ladders to decide who he’ll be going into business with. Ìý


Episode Six: Tom gets his treat


It’s been a fair old struggle for Tom, finding himself on the losing team five times he was keen to show his worth. ÌýNot so keen that he’d stand for Project Manger, but keen, none the less.Ìý

Teamed up with Jim on the sub team, Tom identified that scrap metal could bring in some revenue and dashed about the neighbourhood rummaging in gardens and eyeing up BBQs. When the boys looked at their truck load and estimated that they only had about ‘80p’ worth of scrap, he decided to call it a day and go for bigger fish.Ìý
When in the boardroom, Helen was referred to by Lord Sugar as a ‘lucky charm’, Tom looked hopeful. Team Logic won the task and Tom was allowed to don a white robe and enjoy a treat at the Spa. There are ‘rumours’ that he was so happy that he refused to take off the white towelling robe and will be wearing it on the next task!


Episode Five: Five times Tom…


Once again, Tom found himself on the receiving end of another dose of, ‘oh, we should have listened to Tom’, a condition that has been fast spreading around the candidates over the last couple of weeks. When the idea of ‘Every Dog’ was first raised, Tom spoke out saying that he thought the idea was too general and retailers would say, ‘Why do we need this’?

Tom’s protests fell on deaf ears and before he knew it he was helping mix the ingredients for the grand launch of ‘Every Dog’ and recording his own healthy heartbeat as the sound track accompanying the TV advertising campaign.Ìý

When it was announced that his team had lost the task, Tom took up his favourite chair in the café and whined, ‘The problem is, I’ve never hated being right so much. ÌýOnce again I’m on the losing team.’ Tom wasn’t brought back into the boardroom, but is fast considering changing his name to ‘Itoldyaso.tom’.Ìý


Episode Four: Cut and no buy


Tom started off the task by querying Felicity’s choice of location for the beauty stand, worrying that the treatment room was ‘too far away’. However, when the product pitches took place he quickly forgot his concerns and basked in the enjoyment of a chocolate facemask.

When customers in the treatment room were sparse, Felicity brought Tom onto the sales floor and told him to pitch their massages from there. Looked upon by Melody and Ellie as the person who would save the day, Tom did what any man would do in that situation - get really excited about a table’s worth of fake hair and completely forget what he was supposed to be doing.

When it was announced that the team had lost the task, Lord Sugar called Tom a stalker on account of his endless boardroom appearances. Tom then took to the café and sighed, ’I’m getting pretty sick of this place’. Tom’s lack of treatment selling was brought up in the boardroom, but despite Nick’s comments rendering him speechless, he wasn’t asked back to argue his case any further.


Episode Three: Wane world


After momentarily volunteering to be Project Manager of team Logic, Tom backed down, agreeing that Gavin ‘would make a really good job of this’.Ìý
Tom’s belief in Gavin started to wane after spending three hours in the hotel sourcing useless leads. A visit to a dry cleaners, an epic trip to Teddington and a debate on whether a cloche was a greenhouse or not, resulted in the normally enthusiastic Tom finishing his day totting-up his unpurchased items and muttering, ‘it’s such a shame’.Ìý
In the boardroom, when asked why team Logic hadn’t generated as many leads as their rival team, Tom confessed, ‘we started a bit slowly and didn’t have enough structure’. He was saved from the boardroom and went off to think about whether a giant ‘cloche’ shaped greenhouse would be a clever invention.Ìý


Episode Two: A dangerous game…


An inventor by trade, Thomas quickly set to work offering a whole host of ideas for the boys’ mobile phone App. Unfortunately for him none of them were accepted but that didn’t stop him getting right behind Glenn’s idea for Slangatang.

He took to the streets to find suitable candidates for the graphics for Slangatang’, directing his pundits and designing hats for the final graphic. Dressing up as an old school pilot, complete with moustache and flowing scarf, he helped the boys pitch their App at the games fair, and seemed to quite enjoy himself.

When it came to hearing the news that the boys had failed the task, Thomas refused to believe that this wasn’t because of their failure to secure the online magazine deal. He even disagreed directly with Lord Sugar, which, by his own admission, ‘was a very dangerous game’.

After putting Thomas firmly in his place, Lord Sugar went on to analyse the real reason the boys had failed the task. Although his name did come up, Thomas escaped being brought back into the boardroom.

Thomas was on losing team Logic.
App Downloads after 6 hours: just under 3000
Total downloads after 24 hrs: 3951

Episode One: Nailing it…


An ‘inventor’ by his own admission, Thomas created the world’s first curved nail file. He claims ‘he finds gaps in the market and finds products for those gaps’.

The products he was tasked with finding were the ingredients for the soup that the boys had included as part of their ‘liquid lunch’. Setting himself up in the static unit at Liverpool Street he showed a flair for selling, as well as juggling the oranges.

In the boardroom he impressed Lord Sugar by giving a poignant analysis of where Edward’s plan had gone wrong. He wasn’t brought back into the boardroom and lives to file another day.

Thomas was on losing team Logic. Their total profit was £432.13.

About Tom

London born Tom’s first job was working on a farm sorting agricultural bulbs from mud. A keen inventor and sports enthusiast, Tom succeeded in taking a prototype made in his kitchen to the shelves of two leading pharmacy outlets in the UK.

He describes himself as ‘creative, adventurous, loyal and enthusiastic’.

Check back for weekly updates on Tom during the series ...

I do personally think I have the ability to think differently from other people

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Lord Sugar, Series 5

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Where business supremo Lord Sugar tested a group of eager candidates in a series of gruelling business tasks.

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