
World Service - World Have Your Say homepage On air at 1100GMT: Dominique Strauss Kahn - Should the

| Friday, 7 July 2011 | 12:00 - 12:30 GMT

One of the most talked about and trending topics is reports coming out of New York that the rape case against the former head of the IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn is on the brink of collapse.

The credibility of the woman who has brought the claims against him, has now been brought into question. Although forensic tests found unambiguous evidence of a sexual encounter between Mr Strauss-Kahn and the woman, prosecutors now do not believe much of what the accuser has told them about the circumstances or about herself, according to a New York Times report.

The paper has spoken to two officials who told them

"..the woman had a phone conversation with an incarcerated man within a day of her encounter with Mr. Strauss-Kahn in which she discussed the possible benefits of pursuing the charges against him. The conversation was recorded. That man, the investigators learned, had been arrested on charges of possessing 400 pounds of marijuana. He is among a number of individuals who made multiple cash deposits, totaling around $100,000, into the woman's bank account over the last two years."

Our Correspondent in Paris Christian Fraser says it was not only DSK's reputation that was tarnished, but also that of the French nation in the eyes of the international community. The "perp walk", the parading of the accused, the headlines such as "Chez Perv" and "Frog Legs It", were widely perceived as insulting and humiliating.

So as accusations and counter accusations are being thrown around in public, does this case demonstrate the need for both the accused and the accuser to be granted anonymity?

The reputation of DSK is in tatters, He was seen as a leading candidate to be the next centre-left French presidential candidate until news of the accusations broke. He also stood down as head of the IMF. If he is found not guilty, can he ever recover?

The maid herself, although not named, has had many details about her leaked to the press. It's claimed by the officers speaking to the New York Times that she has associated with drug dealers and has previously lied. Even if that is true, does that mean she can't have been raped?

Publicus posts on

I was afraid this might happen. What an embarrassment for the NYPD, the Manhattan DA and the United States of America. If you are going to pull someone like him off a plane and perp walk him and seek to hold him without bail, you had better be damned sure of your case.

R Faranji

That case triggered some heavy soul searching from the French concerning male/female relations in their society.
It may be time soon for Americans too to do some soul searching concerning their cultural view of sex.
And maybe a little bit on their justice too..


For those who suggest the accuser only lied about other things (yeah, including drug and lots lots of money), but she may not have lied about the rape allegation, what about the same logic on the accused: Does a French, womanizer, and bully automatically makes him a rapist?

These latest revelations have caused a media frenzy in France

"A "coup de theatre", the left-of-centre Liberation wrote, its story netting some 700 comments by 0830 as readers proclaimed "DSK is innocent!!!" and asked "Who set up DSK?"

Can justice be served when a rape case is so publicly played out?

Your comments

  1. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @±«Óãtv_WHYS RE: DSK It is disgusting. For women everywhere who have been raped, this is an insult.

  2. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    RT @sunnysingh_sw6: On @±«Óãtv_WHYS earlier today debating #DSK and smear leaks about his accuser:

  3. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    RT @sunnysingh_sw6: On @±«Óãtv_WHYS earlier today debating #DSK and smear leaks about his accuser:

  4. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    On @±«Óãtv_WHYS earlier today debating #DSK and smear leaks about his accuser:

  5. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @±«Óãtv_WHYS no one is perfect even liars have rights

  6. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @±«Óãtv_WHYS I knew it is going to like this..... typical

  7. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    French guy on @±«Óãtv_WHYS re #DSK accuser: "nymphomaniac, prostitue, liar." Didnt accuse her, just threw the words there. GOOD spin education

  8. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    Discussing #DSK for @±«Óãtv_WHYS reminded me that the English channel also marks a massive cultural gap with France! Phew for le Anglo-Saxon

  9. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    Slightly heated exchange regarding #DSK leaks on @±«Óãtv_WHYS - will provide link later today.

  10. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @±«Óãtv_WHYS Victim at all stages, accused unless found guilty.Allegations can ruin lifes, not 2 b taken lightly

  11. Comment sent via SMS

    Just as there are men who rape women, so also have some women tried and some succeed in using claims to rape to get even, get back at or destroy men. Inthe law u are presumed innocent until proven guilty. So both sides should have anonymity. DSK if proven innocent can never regain his dignity or reputation. John. Ghana

  12. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @±«Óãtv_WHYS #dsk has always been a phony setup. the only question remaining open... how far is #sarkozy involved in the scam?

  13. Comment sent via unknown: 23057

    @±«Óãtv_WHYS They always find a hole to punch in even when someone has a genuine case.