
Watch this film with British Sign Language

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Watch this video with British Sign Language and audio description

Shini Muthukrishnan joins Athletics Coach, Julie Pearson as she runs through some of the skills required in Para athletics.


The skills learned in the activities are:

Guided Running
Timing: Learning to keep in time/ then learning to keep in time with their partner and at speed.
Working together and trust: in pairs, one pupil guides the other.

Shot Put
Learn how to push (not throw) the bean bag.
Learning how to throw accurately and add distance.
Learning how to increase the distance of their shot by using the correct stance.

The pupils learn the basic throwing technique and work on their accuracy and distance.


Guided Running

Clap in Time
Children practise walking together in time with a partner.

Dream Team
In pairs, one child is the guide and the second child places their hand on their partner’s arm or shoulder and closes their eyes as the guide walks them down the room, turns, and walks back again.

Shot Put

Over the Line
Julie demonstrates how to throw a shot with a push.


Julie shows how you throw the javelin differently to a shot. For shot put you need a push to throw the shot, whereas you need a back swing and a push to throw the javelin.

Rocket Throw
In this activity the children throw foam rockets instead of javelins, using the technique that Julie demonstrates. The children aim their rockets into a planet world of hoops. Then to make the activity more difficult, they aim for another group of planets beyond the planet world – into smaller hoops.

Activity cards

Download and print the activity card for guided running 5-7

Activity card: guided running 5-7

Download and print the activity card for javelin 5-7

Activity card: javelin 5-7

Download and print the activity card for shot put 5-7

Activity card: shot put 5-7

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