
Working with us

Information for suppliers to the ±«Óãtv

We want it to be as simple and transparent as possible to work with us. 

Contacts for Accounts Payable have changed

As of 1 July 2024, contact details for sending invoices and resolving payment queries have been updated - click to view
  • Contacts for accounts payable

    Contact details for sending invoices and resolving payment queries have been updated
  • Receiving orders

    What a supplier should expect to receive when an order is placed and how to check a purchase order is valid
  • Getting paid

    Log in or sign up to invoice online, check payments, or amend details
  • Inter-company complaints

    We expect people that work for us to display ±«Óãtv values when working with colleagues, customers, suppliers, partners, and the communities we serve
  • Responsible procurement

    Putting social, environmental and economic sustainability at the heart of how and what we buy
  • Small and local suppliers

    We encourage new sources of supply and innovation from all capable suppliers
  • Terms of trade

    The terms apply to contracts, setting out what is expected when working for the ±«Óãtv

Technology guidelines

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