Scottish Stand-up Showcase for ±«Óătv Scotland's Edinburgh Unlocked 2024

Fully booked

Be part of ±«Óătv Scotland's coverage of 2024’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe, and get an exclusive preview of some of the freshest and best Scottish and Scotland-based stand-ups performing this August!

A packed show featuring non-stop highlights from the funniest acts from across the country, all hosted by one of the best stand-ups on the circuit.

All you have to do is sit back and be entertained, but people who love to laugh out loud are particularly welcome! You'll be an essential part of the recording, as the comedians onstage will feed off your energy (the more you give, the more you'll get!) and people watching later on TV at home will be able to see and hear just why a live Scottish audience is known around the world as one of the very best! It promises to be a show like no other, with a wide range of different comedy styles to enjoy, that might just introduce you to your new favourite comedian... 

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Edinburgh Unlocked

How to be in the audience

Step 1: Apply for tickets

Tickets for this show are being allocated on a first-come first-served basis, so when we receive your ticket request your details are added to the list of applicants. Tickets are usually dispatched from approximately three weeks ahead of the recording date.

Step 2: Receive a message

All eligible requests are allocated tickets in the order they are received, up to the maximum number of available tickets. If successful, we notify you by text message and send your e-ticket(s) to your email address. If unsuccessful you will be kept on the waiting list in case anyone cancels their tickets.

Step 3: Bring your tickets and ID

We do our best to get the numbers right, but unfortunately we occasionally have to disappoint people. Remember that every guest must bring original approved photo ID.

Sorry this show's full

We have now stopped taking ticket requests for this show, but all unsuccessful applicants will be kept on the waiting list in case we're able to release any additional tickets. Make sure you've joined our mailing list and are following us on our social channels to be notified when new shows become available!

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    - Glasgow