What happens when I arrive at the venue?

Your ticket will be printed with some useful information and timings, which provide you with a guide for when to arrive, what time the recording is due to start and an estimated finish time.

Ticket validation and admission to the studio

For most of our shows and events we also give a clear guide as to what time our stewards will start validating tickets on the day of the recording. Ticket validation normally involves putting a numbered sticker on the ticket and scanning the barcode. Once your ticket(s) have been validated you know that you will get into the studio. Until your ticket has been validated, admission is not guaranteed and is on a first come first served basis.

Photo ID is required by all audience members over 18 in order to gain admittance. Your ID will be checked along with your tickets.

Information about acceptable forms of ID can be found in our FAQ What ID should I bring with me on the day?

There will be occasions when we require all audience members to be present at the time of ticket validation, although this is rare and will be indicated at the time of application. Otherwise, one person can arrive earlier and validate tickets for all members of their party. Please be aware that even if you are not present for ticket validation, you will still require photo ID in order to gain entry to the studio / recording if you are aged 18 or above.

Depending on the time available and the set up at the venue, once you’ve had your ticket validated you may be able to go away and find somewhere to buy food / coffee / wait more comfortably until the time you are needed back at the venue ('doors open' time). Stewards will be able to advise you on the day if this is an option.

Please bear in mind that if you choose to leave the venue after your tickets have been validated, you must be back in time for the ‘doors open’ time. Anyone who returns late will not be admitted.

Queueing and accessibility requirements

It is often necessary to queue outside until your tickets have been validated, so please come dressed accordingly. In very bad weather we may begin ticket validation earlier than stated on your tickets to allow people in the queue to get inside the venue and out of the rain or cold.

For your own comfort and safety please avoid arriving too far in advance of the validation time. Queueing early will not secure you a specific seat in the studio.

Admission is on a first come-first-served basis.

If someone in your party will find standing in the queue difficult, we can often help by finding somewhere for them to sit and wait while you go through the ticket validation process, or make other arrangements if more appropriate. Please have a look at our FAQ I have accessibility requirements – what can I expect? for details of how to let us know about any adjustments we can make to help with accessibility.