
The challenges of filming high frame rate video

Published: 22 September 2014
  • Alia Sheikh

    Alia Sheikh

    Senior Development Producer

It is incredibly rare for anyone to to attempt to film entire sequences at high frame rates, with the intention of playing those sequences back at full-speed. As the video on the ±«Óãtv Internet blog today shows, every aspect of the production is affected - from the huge amount of data we have to be able to handle, the amount of light we have to throw onto the scene and even how the crew interact with each other.

One of my roles at ±«Óãtv R&D is to work with high frame rate and high dynamic range formats as required by our technical tests. I produce and direct films that investigate the technical impact of these formats on production workflow as well as the pitfalls and possibilities they represent for creative storytelling.

I present a round up of some of ±«Óãtv R&D's High Frame Rate Video work over the last few years and a behind-the scenes video showing one of our high frame rate capture tests in which we capture a fight sequence at 600 frames per second.

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