
IRFS Weeknotes #127

Published: 22 October 2012
  • Andrew Nicolaou

    Andrew Nicolaou

    User Interface Developer

This week Vicky's been talking with the team and thinking about the issues and opportunities associated with our theme of "Playful Internet of Things (IoT) Futures" to generate topics for discussion at the in November.

If you're interested in taking part in the event, please get in touch with us saying why you're interested in the IoT and what you hope to get out of the event.

Attendees include LEGO, Ogilvy Labs; the Science Museum; SODA; ±«Óătv Worldwide; Hasbro; Symplio; Uniform; Goldsmiths; Dundee University; Ravensbourne; Manchester Met Uni & Liverpool John Moores University.

Jasmine’s been thinking about the possibilities for IoT products and services which could be delivered by the ±«Óătv. She’s been exploring the difference between ambient services and objects which enhance an experience, to those which actively seek attention and interaction. She’s also looking at the seams between social media and the IoT that are mixing to create playful services, such as , social navigation and gaming whilst commuting and .

Tristan found an interesting link about “Seamful and Seamless Design in Ubiquitous Computing”.

Yves’ spoke at the Develop:±«Óătv conference in Salford about the ABC-IP project and the World Service prototype. The video should be online soon. The rest of the week was spent working on an upcoming project proposal, with all of the excitement that implies, especially around budget and .

Chris Lowis presented our work on the Radiophonics/Web Audio project at the London track of the ±«Óătv:Develop conference which was well received. Meanwhile, Pete and I continued with our Radiophonics mini-site, tweaking the demos so that they scale to the size of the viewer’s browser window.

Chris was also looking at deployment of the R&D website and how we can best use the to help develop our templates. Theo and Joanne worked on evaluating the new website’s design.

Chris Newell, Dan, Ant, Andrew W and Libby spent their third week working together on VistaTV prototypes, finishing off “Infinite trailers” and starting on “Radio Stats” - a dashboard for programme makers and others in the ±«Óătv showing real-time activity on ±«Óătv radio. Things are taking a little longer than they’d hoped, but they’re confident they’ll have something up and running soon. They’ll be showing some demos internally next week and hope to make some of them public in the future.

Barbara, Chris Needham and George were in Istanbul for the where they presented a poster on our “authentication on TV” work, ran an all-day workshop with two use case presentations given by George. We had a dedicated booth to demo our prototype to visitors in addition to the FI-Content project booth in the main exhibition hall. The high quality of the prototypes showcased by the FI-Content project partners was recognised by the NEM Summit organising committee which awarded us “best demonstration” which is great news.

James was refactoring our CSS/JavaScript asset management in Snippets for the new Rails 3 core to replace Jammit with the asset pipeline with a view to using in future.

Finally, Tristan also discovered “”. Given the five members of IRFS called Chris, it’s surely not long before Chris-Tech is announced?

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