
RadioDNS live on national radio networks

Published: 4 September 2012
  • George Wright

    George Wright

    Head of Internet Research & Future Services

±«Óãtv Radio now includes and technologies so when listening on a hybrid radio supporting RadioDNS you will see accompanying visuals - basic station logos for most of the national networks and an enhanced service showing images, live text and more on Radio 1 and 1Xtra.

This service went live at the end of last week, and has been an example of fantastic collaboration between the ±«Óãtv (my team in R&D, others in Audio and Music, and Future Media) as well as the partners in the RadioDNS project.

RadioDNS allows hybrid (IP/DAB/FM) radios to select appropriate IP-delivered content or services for the broadcasts that they are tuned to. It means we as a broadcaster can create applications which run on any compliant device, meaning we don't have to reversion or rewrite.

To enjoy the service, just tune your RadioDNS compliant radio to a national ±«Óãtv network - it'll appear like magic. The Radio 1 and 1Xtra services are built from the same systems that power their respective homepages, allowing us to automatically reuse content across devices with zero extra effort - it's truly cross-platform.

Receivers which support the standard are now available in the shops, and our colleagues in have also been busy launching services - meaning your radio just got smarter.

We first started working on experiments with RadioDNS around 3 and a half years ago and have learned a lot along the way. The services launched are only the beginning - now that the service is live, we can build on it with other, newer features like tagging, bookmarking or synchronisation.

We'll be around at the , mainly in 8.F48, demonstrating our work on the World Service Archive, but will also be in the (10.F20) showing some of our RadioDNS work too - come and see us.

There's more info about the IBC events on some of the other RadioDNS partners' sites ( , ) as well as , showing how important cross-border collaboration and friendly, standards-based competition is to the radioDNS project. Thanks to everyone involved in this.

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