
RadioDNS at the IBC

Published: 19 September 2012
  • George Wright

    George Wright

    Head of Internet Research & Future Services

Last week, ±«Óãtv R&D and others showed our recent work on RadioDNS at the in Amsterdam. The IBC is one of the broadcast industry's most important trade shows and conferences, and the ±«Óãtv regularly demonstrates new and exciting developments there.

This year, we were present on the 's RadioDNS stand, showing delivered alongside ±«Óãtv Radio 1 and 1Xtra. My colleague from [and chair of ], Nick Piggott was , and went into some depth about the rollout of RadioDNS services around Europe and hopefully worldwide. James Cridland, secretary of RadioDNS, gave a thorough overview of the technology and aims of the project . Mathias Coinchon from the EBU summed up a lot of the coverage and project goals

I was , mainly discussing our World Service Archive work, but explaining some of our research and rollout of RadioDNS. We also featured in where I talked about our work, alongside the rollout which has occured in Germany by public broadcaster ARD.

IBC was exhausting, but also fun. It's good to see our research getting out in front of users, and it demonstrates that the radio industry is best when it works together on technology. Future radio services are finally coming to life!

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