
Prototyping Weeknotes #51 (25/02/11)

Published: 25 February 2011
  • Chris Lowis (PhD)

    Chris Lowis (PhD)

    Senior Research Engineer

We start two new projects in earnest this week. The "Watch Later" team are looking at how we find out which new programmes we want to watch (and listen to) and what methods we use to organise that list. That project started, as they often do, with a long meeting first thing on Monday morning. Tristan discusses how and the rest of the team, including Chris N, Duncan and Kat, start thinking about how they do the same. Theo and Vicky head over to TV Centre to do some "guerrilla user research" with people queueing in the rain to attend .

Meanwhile team "RadioTAG" start looking at interactivity with Radio using RadioTAG, part of the  suite of proposed standards. Kat is meeting our colleagues from A&M and Future Media to discuss how a "Tag" button could enhance the relationship between radio listeners and the ±«Óãtv. The team gets together on Wednesday for a workshop. Two hours and a wall full of post-it notes later we have the beginnings of some great ideas. Sean and I get our teeth stuck into some ideas for technology. Bouts of insomnia this week were cured by  and we start thinking about a standard way to manage resources in a RESTful style . As always there's a multitude of other tasks and commitments to work on. At the start of the week Duncan's flexing his HTML and JavaScript skills tidying up the UI for the forthcoming AudioSync trial. He then gets  to run under Apache and mod_python ready for the demo app. Mark meets some R&D colleagues to see how the work could be used with some "second screen" synchronisation projects.

AudioSync in action.

We're looking to do some further user research around last year's Mythology Engine. Tristan and Jo are shortlisting responses to a brief that's gone out to tender. Olivier is looking at HTML5 and starting to think about how to benchmark those technologies. Open questions this week, answers in the comments please! How do you remember what TV shows to watch? If there was a button on your radio labelled "Tag" what would you expect it to do? * And where do you buy post-it notes that actually stick?

Search by Tag:

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