
Prototyping Weeknotes #33 (24/09/10)

Published: 27 September 2010
  • George Wright

    George Wright

    Head of Internet Research & Future Services

We're back in the swing of things after various distractions and holidays etc. On Monday, Chris N works on the marker tracking code running on Android mobile, but it's not completed yet. He gets up and running on our interim server in the R&D network.

Sam's been at a P2P Next meeting and comes back excited - The is now available for Mac: video via P2P in a video element. We give it a go and it does what it says on the tin, result! Tris is off to a seminar at the University of Surrey - it starts off looking at how they can engage with industry and then moves on to individual research area overviews.

Vicky and Theo update the team on the Springwatch Second Screen work on Tuesday morning. Chris B and Duncan get into the technical details of how to actually build it. They're going to start with a proof of concept of how the real-time updating will work. Next day they can update fragments of a page using notifications. Then they move on to building the individual templates. Mark works out where he's going with the audio fingerprinting, we think we might be able to build it into an open web service and let innovation thrive that way.

On Wednesday, Tony starts analysing how the Wii-mote data is transmitted over Bluetooth and how the raw data can be filtered to provide something useful. He's planning a capture trial of the Philharmonic with a wiimote, surround video and a soundfield mic, hopefully this will happen next week. I'm in discussion with various industrial and academic partners about some planned collaborations.

By Thursday, two content areas have been built for Springwatch and it's all shaping up well. There's a simplified navigation model for sake of development time and a very simple UI. The RadioDNS team from Global visit us to share ideas and catch up. Tris takes a look at where our Mythology Engine work might be going and does a tiny bit of consultation for Radio 4 on the Archers.

We end the week with Tris trying to draw a diagram of the Internet to inform some strategy work we're doing. I'm in W12 most of the day in meetings, then it's off home (where I spectaularly fail to get this weeknotes in on time, apols)

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