
Prototyping Weeknotes #27 (13/08/10)

Published: 13 August 2010
  • Tristan Ferne

    Tristan Ferne

    Lead Producer

Everyone's focused on development at the start of the week. We've got some good design work on the Springwatch apps and they're looking much more real now.

On Tuesday it's the first engineering team meeting for a while, focussing on documentation and deployment. Then a wrap-up presentation for Digital Friends, which is potentially sensitive so it's remaining internal only for now. I spend all of Wednesday writing the final documentation for Digital Friends. The Springwatch companion demo is just about done and Vicky and Theo are now working on the presentation and pitch. Chris B has been finishing up a webcam demo for the Joggler. Sam and Chris N review the SyncTV code, then that's wrapped up for now. Two wrap-ups in one day. Well, I'm impressed. Some radio people come over to look at the mind-control headset. I'm wondering what they're thinking of doing with it. Tony's writing up this work and working up an alternative set-top box control method. Amanda from Vision joins the team towards the end of the week for a couple of days, she's helping us assemble the video clips for the Springwatch demos and advising us on the pitch. Kat and Michael visit on Thursday afternoon to talk about data models, Zeitgeist and our experiences with Twitter. And we have another project wrap-up, this time for RadioDNS. The main body of work is complete, the documentation is nearly done and we're deciding what more we should do. Does our prototype prove enough, do we need to take it further or make it more robust? What have we learnt? And what possible spin-offs are there from this work? I'm writing these notes from home and it's holiday season so I think the office must be nearly empty today. Lots of projects coming to a close this week, some are left a bit in limbo and there are a few exciting things on the horizon. Have a good weekend.

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