
R&D at Maker Faire UK 2010

Published: 17 March 2010
  • Ant Miller

    Ant Miller

    Former Senior Research Manager

We've probably mentioned this once or twice already, but the R&D team* went to at the in Newcastle this weekend just gone. The event, on the opening weekend of the , and the , brought together hackers, makers and engineering hobbyists and creators from across UK and europe, and the wider world, for a 2 day festival of making stuff.

This is the second time we went along - last year we took the ±«Óãtv Weatherbot - a mash up of remote control tanks, RFID technology, and a giant map of the UK, which pulled in local weather reports, plus a host of demos of existing R&D projects. This year we were even more ambitious, with rapid-prototyped remotes, light field cameras, and the first integrated demo of surround video with ambisonic sound (as featured in an earlier blog post).

We even took along our tapeless cameras and laptop based edit station, and produced this short film, outlining our efforts at the event.

If last years event is anything to go by there will be plenty more coverage of the Faire around the internets in the coming weeks, but we hope this at least gives you a flavour of our weekend. UPDATE: ±«Óãtv 5 live 'Pods & Blogs' are already live with their rundown.

Thanks to all our colleagues North and South who helped us prepare the demos this year, to the staff of the Centre for Life for hosting the event, our friends at O'Reilly UK for inviting us back, and to the good people of Newcastle, and from miles around, who came down to say hi and see what we're up to.

* The team this year were Tony Churnside, Ian Forrester, Matthew Shotton, and James P Barrett, from the North lab, and Jigna Chandaria, Max Leonard and Ant Miller from the South Lab, plus Mo McRoberts helping out from the ±«Óãtv Backstage community on Saturday. We're grateful to Salma Alam for the beautiful specially commisioned music for our sound track - all rights reserved.

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