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Lee Anderson defects to Reform UK + Kate’s edited photo

We speak to Reform’s leader, and go through what we know about the picture “adjustments”

Today we look at Lee Anderson defecting to Reform and the Kate Middleton photo that everyone’s talking about.

The former deputy chairman of the Conservatives became Reform’s first MP. The party’s leader Richard Tice explains why he wants Lee Anderson in the party.

Plus the ±«Óătv’s royal correspondent, Daniella Relph, and disinformation and social media correspondent, Marianna Spring explain what caused picture agencies to reject that photo of the Princess of Wales and her children.

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Newscast brings you daily analysis of the latest political news stories from the ±«Óătv. It was presented by Adam Fleming. It was made by Chris Flynn with Gemma Roper and Joe Wilkinson. The technical producer was Philip Bull. The assistant editor is Chris Gray. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.

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38 minutes


Timings (where shown) are from the start of the programme in hours and minutes

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