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George Galloway Wins the Rochdale By-Election

Workers Party of Britain candidate wins the Rochdale by-election by almost 6,000 votes

Today, we look at the result from the by-election in Rochdale.

George Galloway from the Workers Party of Britain won with a resounding majority. Independent candidate David Tully came second as Labour and the Conservatives only received just over a quarter of the vote put together to come third and fourth. Is this a clear rejection of Keir Starmer’s position on Gaza?

Adam is in the studio, Chris is in a bumpy car, and they are joined by pollster, Scarlett Maguire, and North West Tonight Political Editor, Annabel Tiffin.

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Newscast brings you daily analysis of the latest political news stories from the ±«Óãtv. It was presented by Adam Fleming. It was made by Chris Gray with Joe Wilkinson and Gemma Roper. The technical producer was Sam Dickinson . The senior news editor is Jonathan Aspinwall.

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